"HUAALL" User Service Agreement

Update Date: October 30, 2023
Effective Date: October 30, 2023

Welcome to HUAALL!"HUAALL" refers to the product provided to users by Qingdao Yuexiu Network Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "we") legally owning and operating the HUAALL client application and official website. In HUAALL, we offer users (also referred to as "you") a variety of services including audio and video, information publishing, interactive communication, search queries, and more.

1.1 The "HUAALL User Service Agreement" (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement") is an agreement between you and us regarding the rights and obligations of both parties in relation to the download, installation, opening, registration, login, and use (collectively referred to as "use") of HUAALL. Any other relevant agreements, community conventions, activity rules, announcements, explanations, internal messages, etc. related to HUAALL that we have already published, may publish in the future, or may modify from time to time (collectively referred to as "Platform Rules") are an integral part of this Agreement and have equal legal effect as this Agreement.

1.2 Before you start using HUAALL, please read and fully understand this Agreement, especially the clauses related to exemption or limitation of liability, rights licensing and information usage, agreement to activate and use special services, legal application, and dispute resolution. Important content such as clauses exempting or limiting liability will be highlighted in bold for your attention. If you are under 18 years old, please carefully read and fully understand this Agreement, especially the clauses regarding the use by minors, and use HUAALL only with the consent of your legal guardian.

1.3 By using HUAALL, you are deemed to have read and fully understood this Agreement and agreed to be bound by this Agreement as a party to this Agreement. If you do not agree to this Agreement, you can choose not to use HUAALL.

1.4 Please understand that we have the right to unilaterally decide to have some services under this Agreement provided or operated by our affiliates or third parties according to the needs of HUAALL products, services, or operations. When using such related services, please carefully read the information displayed on the corresponding product page and/or related rules, agreements, and other documents. By accepting such related services, you are deemed to have accepted the rights and obligations between you and such affiliates or third parties under this Agreement and the Platform Rules. We will also require such affiliates or third parties to protect your legal rights and interests in accordance with legal requirements.

1.5 If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions about the content of this Agreement, you can contact us by logging into the HUAALL client or the official website's feedback and help page, or by sending an email to service@huaall.com.

2.HUAALL Products and Services
2.1 The ways you can use HUAALL products and services include accessing the official HUAALL website, or downloading and installing the HUAALL client from app stores authorized by us. If you obtain HUAALL products or services from sources other than the above-mentioned legitimate channels, we cannot guarantee that it is the official version, nor can we guarantee the normal operation of the related version of HUAALL. If you suffer losses due to using a non-official version of HUAALL, unless otherwise specified by laws and regulations, we do not assume any compensation or liability for compensation.

2.2 You need to prepare your own terminal devices such as computers and mobile phones for using HUAALL. To enable all functions of HUAALL, your terminal device needs to be connected to the internet, and you shall bear the necessary internet access fees, data fees, etc.

2.3 We develop different application versions for different terminal devices. Please obtain, download, and install the official version of HUAALL based on the actual situation of your terminal device.

2.4 We grant you the personal, revocable, non-transferable, non-exclusive, and non-commercial right to use HUAALL. All other rights not expressly authorized in this Agreement are reserved by us. Without our prior written authorization, you may not use HUAALL in any unauthorized form, including but not limited to adaptation, reproduction, distribution, web crawling, vertical search, mirroring, or transaction, etc.

2.5 In order to improve user experience, or based on the overall service operation, platform security, and compliance operation needs, we may update or change HUAALL products or services from time to time, including but not limited to modification, upgrade, suspension, or termination of related services, providing new services or replacing software packages, etc. You can choose to update as needed. If you choose not to update, some functions of HUAALL may be restricted or may not function properly. In order to facilitate your better use of HUAALL, we may also remind you to update HUAALL at appropriate times. If you do not want to use the updated HUAALL, you can also uninstall it on your own.

3.HUAALL Account
3.1 We provide channels for registering HUAALL accounts. You can register a HUAALL account through email or other methods allowed by HUAALL. In addition, you can choose to use the third-party platform account authorization login function provided by us. You can register and log in to HUAALL using your legally owned third-party software or platform user account, except where such use is restricted or prohibited by the third-party software or platform. You must ensure that the user account of the third-party software or platform you use has completed real identity authentication and complies with relevant laws and regulations. After registration, you can set a secure login password for yourself. Your registered account and the password you set are the credentials you use to log in and use HUAALL.

3.2 You can use HUAALL without registering or logging in with a HUAALL account, but you will not be able to experience all the features of HUAALL. Before using certain features and/or certain individual services, such as publishing videos, you need to register or log in with a HUAALL account and complete real identity authentication as required by relevant national laws and regulations.

3.3 You have the right to set your HUAALL nickname, avatar, HUAALL ID, profile, and other account information. Without explicit written permission from others, you may not open a HUAALL account in someone else's name, nor may you use someone else's name, trade name, business name, trademark, avatar, etc. as account information. During the use of the account, you may not mislead the public or confuse the account owner in any way, especially not by pretending to be an institution or individual widely known to the public, and you may not harm the legal rights and interests of others in any form. We have the right to review the account information you submit. If the account information you submit does not comply with laws, administrative regulations, government regulations, or the provisions of this Agreement, we have the right to take measures such as giving warnings, setting a deadline for correction, resetting account information, restricting account functions, suspending use, closing the account, or prohibiting re-registration as provided by laws and regulations.

3.4 Your HUAALL account is for your personal use only, and it is prohibited to gift, borrow, rent, transfer, sell, or allow others to use the account in any form. If we have reasonable grounds to believe that the user is not the registrant of the account, in order to ensure the security of the account, we have the right to suspend or terminate the provision of services to that account.

3.5 When you register or use a HUAALL account, you should provide true, accurate, legal, and valid identity verification materials and necessary information. When the registration information you submitted changes (such as changing your email address), you should update the corresponding information in a timely manner. If the information you submit is inaccurate, untrue, illegal, or if we have reason to doubt the information, we have the right to ask you to correct, supplement, or refuse to provide you with related services. However, you understand and agree that for security and identity verification purposes (such as account or password retrieval appeals), you may not be able to modify the initial registration information, real-name information, and other verification information.

3.6 You are responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of your HUAALL account and password. You shall be legally responsible for all actions taken under your HUAALL account, including but not limited to any information publication and payment of funds operations you perform on HUAALL that may incur legal liabilities. If you lose your account or forget your password, you can apply for account recovery or password retrieval in accordance with our appeals process. You understand and acknowledge that we only verify whether the information provided by the appellant in the appeal matches the system records, and we cannot determine whether the appellant is the real owner of the account. If your account is stolen or your password is lost due to your own improper safeguarding, you shall bear the corresponding losses. If you discover that someone is using your HUAALL account without permission or find any other security vulnerabilities, please notify us immediately and take measures to protect the security of your account, such as changing your password.

3.7 Unless otherwise specified, all associated versions of HUAALL use the same HUAALL account service. The HUAALL account you register is also applicable to HUAALL and associated versions. The content you publish under your HUAALL account will also be synchronized in HUAALL and associated versions. When you log in with your HUAALL account and use related services in associated versions, you shall be bound by both this Agreement and the user agreement and platform rules of the associated version. In the event of any inconsistency between the user agreement and platform rules of the associated version and this Agreement, the user agreement and platform rules of the associated version shall prevail.

3.8 You understand and agree that, in addition to logging in and using HUAALL, you can also use your HUAALL account to log in and use other products and services provided by us or our partners. If you log in and use such products or services with your HUAALL account, you shall also be bound by the user agreement and other agreement terms of the actual provider of the other products or services.

3.9 To increase the exposure and efficiency of the content you publish, you agree that all content you publish under your HUAALL account is authorized to be automatically synchronized by HUAALL to other software and websites operated by us. Your HUAALL account's public information, such as avatar and nickname, may also be synchronized.

3.10 In order to maintain a good community order and atmosphere, we may adopt collaborative management measures for HUAALL and its associated versions. For example, if you are subject to penalties in HUAALL for violations of laws, regulations, or provisions of this Agreement, your use of associated versions and related services may also be affected, and vice versa.

3.11 You may apply to cancel your HUAALL account. Please refer to the "HUAALL Cancellation Notice" for the conditions and consequences of account cancellation. You can only apply to cancel your own account and should follow the corresponding process to verify the ownership of the account. After the account is canceled, we will delete or anonymize the information in the account. However, this does not apply if laws, regulations, or relevant norms have specific provisions on information retention time or processing methods. After the account is canceled, you will not be able to log in to HUAALL with that account, and you will not be able to retrieve any content or information related to the account. After the account is canceled, you shall still be responsible for the actions you took using HUAALL before the account was canceled.

3.12 According to the requirements of relevant laws and regulations, if you do not log in to your account and use it for more than six consecutive months after registration, we have the right to freeze or reclaim your account. If your HUAALL account is frozen or reclaimed, you may not be able to log in and use HUAALL with that account and password. If your HUAALL account is reclaimed, the information and usage records stored under the account cannot be restored. Before freezing or reclaiming your HUAALL account, we will provide you with appropriate prompts. If you still do not follow the prompts after receiving them, we will freeze or reclaim the account.

4.Guidelines for Information Content Publishing
4.1 We are committed to providing a platform for civilized, rational, friendly, and high-quality communication. After completing real identity authentication as required, you may use HUAALL to create and publish videos, images, text, and other information content. You must ensure that the published information content (whether public or not) complies with legal requirements. When you publish information related to current events, public policies, social events, etc., you should accurately indicate the source of the information.

4.2 You are prohibited from creating, copying, publishing, or disseminating the following illegal or prohibited content:
Content that opposes the basic principles established by the Constitution.
Content that endangers national security, leaks state secrets, subverts the state power, or undermines national unity.
Content that harms the honor and interests of the nation.
Content that distorts, vilifies, blasphemes, or denies the deeds and spirits of heroes and martyrs, or that infringes upon the names, images, reputation, or honor of heroes and martyrs through insult, defamation, or other means.
Content that advocates terrorism, extremism, or incites the commission of terrorist or extremist activities.
Content that promotes ethnic hatred, discrimination, or disrupts ethnic unity.
Content that disrupts state religious policies, promotes cults, feudal superstitions, or engages in other harmful activities.
Content that fabricates, spreads rumors, disseminates false information, disrupts economic order, and social order, or disrupts social stability.
Content that spreads obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror, or incites criminal activities.
Content that insults or defames others, infringing upon their reputation rights, privacy rights, portrait rights, intellectual property rights, or other legal rights and interests.
Commercial advertisements that violate relevant laws and regulations on Internet advertising.
Other content prohibited by laws, regulations, and administrative regulations.

4.3 You are prohibited from creating, copying, publishing, or disseminating the following objectionable content, and you should actively resist the spread of such content:
Content with exaggerated titles that severely deviate from the actual content.
Sensationalizing rumors, scandals, or disgraceful acts.
Inappropriately commenting on natural disasters, major accidents, and other disasters.
Content with sexual implications or teasing that easily leads to sexual associations.
Content that displays blood, horror, cruelty, causing physical and mental discomfort.
Inciting discrimination based on race or region.
Promoting vulgar, kitsch, or sensational content.
Content that may induce minors to imitate unsafe behaviors, violate social ethics, or develop harmful habits.
Engaging in violent intimidation, threats, or online violence against others.
Spreading profanity or obscenities, harming public order and good customs.
Other content containing violations of laws, regulations, public policies, public order and good customs, or content that may interfere with our normal operations and infringe upon the legal rights and interests of other users or third parties.

4.4 You are prohibited from creating, copying, publishing, or disseminating content that contains high-risk elements or endangers the physical and mental health of performers or others:
Any content involving violent and/or self-harm behavior.
Any performance involving life-threatening activities, the use of dangerous instruments, or performance methods that may endanger personal and/or property safety of oneself or others.
Encouraging or inducing others to participate in dangerous activities that may cause personal injury or death.

4.5 You are prohibited from using new technologies and applications based on deep learning, virtual reality, etc. to create, publish, and disseminate false news and information. When publishing or disseminating non-real audio and video information created using new technologies and applications such as deep learning, virtual reality, and generative artificial intelligence, or other information content that may cause public confusion or misunderstanding, you should clearly mark it in a prominent manner.

4.6 You are prohibited from publishing information that disrupts the platform's operational order, including but not limited to spam, commercial solicitation, excessive marketing information, information unrelated to the content being commented on, and deliberately using character combinations to evade technical review.

4.7 For more detailed specifications regarding the publishing of information content, please refer to the "HUAALL Community Code of Conduct" and relevant announcements in the HUAALL Rule Center. If we have reasonable grounds to believe that your actions violate or may violate the above provisions, we have the right to take measures, including terminating all or part of the services provided to you by HUAALL without prior notice, and pursue the legal responsibilities of relevant parties in accordance with the law.

5.Network Security Protection
5.1 You are not allowed to interfere with, disrupt, modify, or otherwise affect the normal operation of HUAALL using any plugins, cheats, systems, or third-party tools. This includes but is not limited to accessing HUAALL using any automated programs, software, or similar tools to collect or process information and content.

5.2 You are prohibited from engaging in any actions that may harm the security of the HUAALL system or engage in any activities that may harm the security of computer networks. These actions include but are not limited to:
Engaging in activities that harm network security, such as illegal intrusion into networks, disrupting the normal functions of networks, or stealing network data.
Providing programs or tools specifically designed for engaging in activities that harm network security, such as intruding into networks, disrupting the normal functions of networks and protective measures, or stealing network data.
Knowing that others are engaging in activities that harm network security and providing them with technical support, advertising promotion, payment settlement, and other assistance.
Using unauthorized data or accessing unauthorized servers or accounts.
Entering public computer networks or other people's computer systems without permission and deleting, modifying, or adding stored information.
Attempting to probe, scan, or test vulnerabilities in the HUAALL system or network, or engaging in other activities that disrupt network security.
Attempting to interfere with or disrupt the normal operation of the HUAALL system or website, intentionally spreading malicious programs or viruses, and other behaviors that disrupt and interfere with normal network information services.
Forging TCP/IP packet names or part of names.
Attempting to reverse engineer, reverse assemble, compile, or otherwise attempt to discover the source code of HUAALL.
Maliciously registering HUAALL accounts, including but not limited to frequent or bulk account registrations.
Other behaviors that may harm the security of the HUAALL or other platform's computer networks.

5.3 Without our written permission, no user or third party may engage in the following behaviors regarding the information or content on HUAALL:
Using information or content from HUAALL for the purpose of promoting one's own products, increasing users for one's own products, or confusing the relationship between one's own products and HUAALL.

Editing, organizing, or adapting information or content from HUAALL and displaying it outside of HUAALL's source pages on other channels or platforms.
Using technical means or special identification methods to modify, hijack, divert, block, insert, pop up, or engage in other behaviors that prevent users from using HUAALL normally regarding the information or content on HUAALL.
Stealing, monitoring, copying, spreading, displaying, mirroring, uploading, downloading, or using the information or content on HUAALL using any improper methods such as hotlinking, redundant stealing, crawler grabbing, simulated downloading, deep linking, or counterfeit registration.
Using or spreading the information or content on HUAALL by hiding or modifying HUAALL's domain name, HUAALL logo, HUAALL user information, etc.
Using the information or content on HUAALL obtained without authorization for statistical purposes, such as hot words, hit rates, categories, search volume, click-through rates, and reading volume.
Using the information or content on HUAALL for any form of sale and commercial use, or providing it to third parties or allowing third parties to use it in any form.
Interfering with relevant data of the information or content on HUAALL, including affecting content playback volume, tampering with HUAALL data, etc.
Other behaviors involving illegal acquisition or use of the information or content on HUAALL.

5.4 If we have reasonable grounds to believe that your actions violate or may violate the above provisions, or if you engage in other actions that adversely affect the information and content on HUAALL, or cause harm to the rights and interests of HUAALL users, we have the right to take measures, including terminating the provision of services to you without prior notice, and pursuing the legal responsibilities of relevant parties in accordance with the law.

6.Complaints and Reports
6.1 We have established a public platform for complaints and reports. You can follow the complaint and report procedures as publicized by us to report various behaviors and content that violate laws, regulations, and provisions of this agreement. We will promptly accept and handle your complaints and reports in order to jointly create a clean and positive online environment.

6.2 If you discover any content within HUAALL that infringes upon your rights, you can refer to the "HUAALL Infringement Complaint Guide," follow the complaint channels indicated on the HUAALL client or website, and provide evidence of your rights. We will process your complaint in a timely manner in accordance with relevant legal provisions. If the content you posted on HUAALL is complained about for infringement by relevant rights holders and is dealt with, and you do not agree with the handling result, you should, according to the instructions provided by the HUAALL platform (such as through the designated entrance within the HUAALL App or by sending an email to service@huaall.com), submit a non-infringement statement (template download) and related proof of rights material for appeal. We will likewise process your appeal in a timely manner in accordance with relevant legal provisions.

7.Default Handling
7.1 If you violate the provisions of this agreement, including platform rules, we reserve the right, depending on the situation, to take measures such as advance warnings, refusal to publish, immediate cessation of information transmission, content deletion, short-term prohibition on publishing content or comments, partial or complete restriction of account functions, until terminating the provision of services, permanently closing accounts, and other measures specified by laws and regulations. You shall bear the adverse consequences, such as the unavailability of HUAALL functions, deletion of account information, content deletion, and inability to access assets or other rights and interests within your account, due to this. For deleted user information or content, we have the right not to restore it.

7.2 We have the right to announce the handling results, and have the right to decide whether to restore the use of relevant accounts based on the actual situation. For behaviors suspected of being illegal and criminal, we will keep relevant records and have the right to report to and cooperate with relevant competent authorities in accordance with the law.

7.3 We respect and protect the legitimate rights and interests of users and others, including intellectual property rights, reputation rights, name rights, privacy rights, etc. If you infringe upon any third party's intellectual property rights, reputation rights, name rights, privacy rights, or other legitimate rights and interests, and this leads to complaints, reports, or rights protection claims by third parties through litigation or other means, we have the right to take necessary measures in accordance with legal provisions. If your actions lead us to bear compensation liability to any third party, or if we are punished by government authorities, or suffer other economic losses or damage to our reputation, you shall compensate us for all losses incurred as a result.

8.Protection of User Personal Information
8.1 We are committed to protecting personal information together with you.

8.2 Protecting user personal information is one of our basic principles. In the process of using HUAALL, you may need to provide your personal information in order for us to provide you with better services and corresponding technical support.

8.3 When you activate or use HUAALL, in order to realize the functions and services you choose to use, or to comply with legal and regulatory requirements, we will process relevant information. In addition to the information necessary to achieve the basic functions and services of HUAALL, and the information necessary according to legal and regulatory requirements, you may refuse to allow us to process other information, but this may lead to us being unable to provide corresponding functions or services.

8.4 We may provide you with personalized content based on recommendation algorithms. We continuously improve and explore optimization solutions for the recommendation system, and ensure your autonomous choice and control over personalized recommendations in accordance with the law.

8.5 We will protect your rights to browse, modify, delete relevant personal information, and withdraw your authorization in accordance with the law, and will use security measures that match HUAALL products and services, such as encryption technology and anonymization processing, to protect your personal information.

8.6 For more information about the protection of personal information, please refer to the "HUAALL Privacy Policy."

===== Some other notes :=====

1: App License. Application License.
Subject to your compliance with these Terms, HUAALL grants you a limited non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable license to download, install and use a copy of the App a single devices (as defined below) that you own or control and to run such copy of the App solely for your own personal purposes.

2: Downloading the App from the Apple App Store.
If you accessed the App through or downloaded the App from the Apple App Store, you shall only use the App (a) on an Apple-branded product that runs the iOS (Apple’s proprietary operating system) and (b) as permitted by the “Usage Rules” set forth in the Apple Media Terms of Service, except that such App may be accessed, acquired, and used by other accounts associated with the purchaser via Apple’s Family Sharing function, volume purchasing, or Legacy Contacts function. In addition, the following applies if you accessed the App through or downloaded the App from the Apple App Store.

2.1: You acknowledge and agree that (i) these Terms are concluded between you and HUAALL only, and not Apple, and (ii) HUAALL, not Apple, is solely responsible for the App or content thereof. Your use of the App must comply with the App.

2.2: You acknowledge that Apple has no obligation whatsoever to furnish any maintenance and support services with respect to the App.

2.3: In the event of any failure of the App to conform to any applicable warranty, you may notify Apple, and Apple will refund the purchase price for the App to you and to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Apple will have no other warranty obligation whatsoever with respect to the App. As between HUAALL and Apple, any other claims, losses, liabilities, damages, costs or expenses attributable to any failure to conform to any warranty will be the sole responsibility of HUAALL.

2.4: You and HUAALL acknowledge that, as between HUAALL and Apple, Apple is not responsible for addressing any claims you have or of any third party relating to the App or your possession and use of the App, including, but not limited to: (i) product liability claims; (ii) any claim that the App fails to conform to any applicable legal or regulatory requirement; and (iii) claims arising under consumer protection or similar legislation.

2.5: You and HUAALL acknowledge that, in the event of any third-party claim that the App or your possession and use of the App infringe that third party’s intellectual property rights, as between HUAALL and Apple, HUAALL, not Apple, will be solely responsible for the investigation, defense, settlement and discharge of any such intellectual property infringement claim to the extent required by these Terms.

2.6: You and HUAALL acknowledge and agree that Apple, and Apple’s subsidiaries, are third-party beneficiaries of these Terms as related to your license of the App, and that, upon your acceptance of the terms and conditions of these Terms, Apple will have the right (and will be deemed to have accepted the right) to enforce this Agreement as related to your license of the App against you as a third-party beneficiary thereof.

2.7: Without limiting any other terms of these Terms, you must comply with all applicable third-party terms of agreement when using the App.

3: User Rights and Responsibilities
3.1: Users can browse, search, select products, and participate in related activities through HUALL.

3.2: Users must comply with all applicable laws and regulations when using HUALL and must not engage in any illegal or infringing activities.

3.3: Users are not allowed to engage in any commercial activities using HUALL.

4: Product Information
Users should carefully read the detailed information and terms of the products before making a purchase and assume the risks associated with the purchase.

5: Payment and Refunds
5.1: Users can choose different payment methods for shopping. The payment process will be subject to the terms and conditions of the relevant payment platform.

5.2: The refund policy will follow the specific regulations of HUALL, and users should understand and agree to the relevant policy before making a purchase.

6: Privacy Protection
6.1: HUALL will protect the user's personal privacy information and will not disclose it to third parties without the user's consent.

6.2: Users should properly safeguard their personal account information to prevent disclosure or unauthorized access by others.

7: Intellectual Property Rights
7.1: All content contained in HUALL, including but not limited to text, images, icons, etc., is protected by intellectual property laws.

7.2: Users are not allowed to copy, distribute, modify, or use any content from HUALL without permission.

8: User-generated Content Responsibility:
Users are fully responsible for the video, image, text, and other content they post when using HUAALL. They guarantee that their content does not violate any laws or regulations, infringe upon the rights of others, or contain any offensive, insulting, or inappropriate behavior.

9: Content Review and Filtering:
HUAALL will take measures, including but not limited to technical means, to review and filter user-generated content to ensure it does not contain any prohibited content.

10: Reporting Mechanism:
HUAALL provides a reporting mechanism. Users can report any violations to the designated email address (service@huaall.com) for timely handling.

11: Handling of Abuse:
HUAALL will take measures to address abusive behavior. Upon identification of such behavior, user accounts may face the risk of being blocked.

12: Feedback and Response Timeframe:

HUAALL commits to taking action within 24 hours upon receiving reports regarding prohibited content. This includes the removal of relevant content and the implementation of necessary measures against the user providing such content.

13: User Agreement Terms:
Users must agree to the relevant terms before using the application. These terms explicitly state a zero-tolerance policy for prohibited content or abusive behavior.

14: Termination
Users can terminate the use of HUALL at any time, or HUALL may terminate a user's access as needed.

15: Applicable Law and Dispute Resolution
This agreement is governed by the laws of the jurisdiction where the user is located, and any disputes should be submitted to the local court for resolution.